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Windows 10 Automatically Blocks Unwanted apps

Microsoft is adding a new security feature in Windows 10 that automatically blocks unwanted apps starting this month.

History of Windows 10

Previously, this feature was disabled but if you want to enable it you have to go to settings to enable it yourself.  But that has now changed, according to a security bulletin published by the company.

Microsoft Defender and Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 automatically block unwanted apps by default when they are detected. Starting in early August 2021, the company said, we're rolling out the feature by default to make it easier to keep your systems performing at their best. Users of the operating system who do not want to block unwanted applications by default can turn off the feature. 

Windows 10 Block Unwanted app

Open the Windows Security Setup screen, click App and browser control, and select Reputation-based protection settings. And in the Reputation-based protection settings screen, you can disable the block potentially unwanted apps setting.

Block downloads controls whether the Block Unwanted Apps setting is enabled in the new Microsoft Edge browser.  When enabled, SmartScreen blocks unwanted applications while they are being downloaded.

This change to automatic blocking is useful for all Microsoft Defender users, as programs that have been flagged as potentially unwanted applications should be classified as malware because they perform malicious behavior across the computer. However, due to legal concerns, many companies do not automatically block or ignore it. But with Microsoft blocking it automatically.  This could encourage the security industry to block these unwanted applications.

What are unwanted applications / App?

These applications do not have to be harmful to your device, but they may lead to damage.  They are usually created by legitimate legal entities that go beyond what would be considered reputable software.  In most cases, it causes undesirable behavior across the computer.

These programs range from browser extensions, adware, programs that send usage data without permission, system cleaners, antivirus programs that use false positives, and programs that do not provide the promised functionality.

Unwanted applications (App) according to Windows 10

There are several criteria that Microsoft has set to designate a program as a spam application:

  • Advertising:

Programs that display advertisements or promotions or ask you to complete surveys for products or services.

  • Torrent (for businesses only):

A program used to create or download torrent files or other files specifically used with peer-to-peer file sharing technologies.

  • Crypto:
A program that uses your device's resources to mine cryptocurrency.

  • Marketing:
Software that monitors and transmits users' activities to applications or services other than themselves for marketing research purposes.

  • Evasion:
Software that attempts to avoid detection by security products, including programs that behave differently in the presence of security products.

  • Notorious software:
Software that trusted security providers discover using their security products.

Finally, This feature is very important as you will be safe and if an application is collecting information or exploiting your device for mining, the system will block this application automatically. Microsoft continues to protect its devices and systems, as it works hard to bypass all criticism and work to increase the security of its programs.


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