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Ransomware & Cyberattack: Prevent, Avoid and Tips you must know!

Ransomware & Cyberattack

The world is witnessing an increase in the number of cyberattacks on institutions and people as a result of the rapid technological advances taking place in the world, as well as a heavy reliance on telework as a result of the Corona pandemic, and attempts at extortion by cyber criminals using what are known as "ransomware" are increasing.

"The first time ransomware was used was in 2012. After highlighting this type of attack, it spread widely until 181 million ransomware attacks in 2018. "

Source: Wikipedia

Ransomware & Cyberattack

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is malware that encrypts your files or prevents you from using your device until you pay. If your computer is connected to a network, ransomware may also spread to other computers or storage devices on the network.

Several Ways to counter Cyberattacks:

Previously, cyber criminals exerted psychological pressure to obtain the bank's personal passwords. As technology advances, cybercrime has increased as most countries in the world try to develop themselves to be ready to face cybercrime.

This has a serious impact on their economies.  It has become easy for hackers or attackers to make financial gains by using malware to access, encryption and hold data hostage until the victim pays the ransom.

Cyberattacks have become more frequent because it is easy for hackers to carry them out. Payment methods have also become more friendly for them, as companies are willing to pay ransom because of the growing reliance on digital infrastructure.

Hackers use cryptocurrencies because they are easier than banknotes in terms of conversion.  There is no control and the identity of the hackers in bitcoin conversions is not disclosed.

One of the most important reasons for the increase in ransomware is the exploitation of the Corona pandemic. According to the cybercrime report, the FBI received nearly 2,500 ransomware reports in 2020, up 20% from the cases reported in 2019.

According to projections released by cybercrime magazine, ransomware is expected to cost victims about 265 billion dollars.
In the near future there are expectations that a cyberattack will occur every two seconds and this is very dangerous.

Tips for preventing ransomware:

  1. Do not pay ransom to cyber criminals because it encourages them to launch more attacks.
  2. Working with cybersecurity companies
  3. Get training programs in cybersecurity to reduce the risk of various cyber attacks.
  4. Do not click on anonymous links or open any anonymous email.
  5. Create regular backups of your data.
  6. Use data encryption to protect emails and share files and personal information.
  7. Make sure all your data are regularly upgraded so you can fix security vulnerabilities.


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